

 Sometimes while cringing about my fate, I stop whining and start observing the world around me. How often do we really look around?  Right now, I can see a couple in front of me. Eating candies and enjoying the warmth of the sunlight in winters, they were chitchatting god knows about what, but they seemed happy, really happy.  I couldn't help but wonder, what do we have to do to get that? I was 3 years old when I got married for the first time. Okay, it would be stupidity to call that thing a marriage. But when you are just a 3-year-old kid, and you are wearing your wedding dress, taking those sacred vows. Who cares what the world thinks. For you, that fancy dress competition is nothing but a real marriage. For years I thought I was married to him. After some years, when I realised we weren't married in real, I wished we were. I don't know it was him or the concept of marriage. My heart knew how much I wanted it. Talking about the question, I just arose. What do we have to


  I was once talking with my cousin. She is 30 years old and is not planning to conceive for at least two more years. We were talking about her plans for her child as a mother. She told me she wants to give her child all the facilities she never got as a child. All the toys she never got to play with, a future in a top English medium school and a house filled with everything a child could ever dream. I was walking with her on the same road and was wondering. What did I wish for when I was a child?  My mother was 18 when she conceived her first child. When she came to know about her pregnancy, she wished for a girl. Why? I don't know. But it was a boy. The first boy of that generation. If you are an Indian or you know an Indian. You would comprehend how much a boy means for an Indian family. It is almost equal to winning a million-dollar lottery. My mother accepted that decision because now she was the most favoured daughter in law in the family. After three years, she was pregnant